It never changes... every year on opening day of the Eagles season, I just KNOW that this will be THE YEAR. I guess when you've been a real Eagles fan for four decades, there isn't a lot of choice BUT to believe or you shouldn't call yourself a fan. Last January, when the impossible almost happened and then the year went downhill (fast!), I let myself believe that there would be a parade on Broad Street sometime around my 45th birthday. But then the Arizona Cardinals wanted it JUST a little bit more (and God Bless them because they were SO disrespected; as an Eagles fan, I get that). In the off-season, the Eagles didn't re-sign my much-loved Brian Dawkins. They signed Michael Vick (REALLY?!?!?!?!). Defensive Coordinator Jim Johnson first retired and then died.
Then my friend's son died. Then the Air Force decided that my schedule was something to be toyed with; just on principle. Then I took the surgical scalpel was taken to my life (with VERY positive results... I am SO much happier as a rule without the non-entities pretending to care when it's convenient to them). Then there were the trips to the HEAT of Texas and Mississippi and the returns to the non-stop rain. There were professional triumphs and then the self-questioning about whether anything I do professionally mattered (it does, but THAT was a struggle since late June). There was the "is my husband's teachers' union going on strike?!?!?!?!" stress, the "getting Ryan back to school and he wants to play the cello" stress, the lack of a permanent teaching job for my "always does the right thing" son and the schedule snafu on Thursday (September 10th) that almost, but not quite, had me crying in public.
But there are SO many blessings. Ryan is showing interest in music and is excited to play the cello (which is unGODLY expensive by the way!!!). Jenny started school on September 11th and, instead of letting the Empty Nest feeling take control of me, I organized my yarn and crafting supplies. Her school is SO wonderful and proved it again on Thursday night when I was sad -- those people are AMAZING although saying a temporary good bye to her babysitter (and my surrogate mother) on Thursday afternoon was agonizing. Sue loves us unconditionally; it's such a nice thing to have someone like that in your life! Chip is subbing in a couple of districts AND got the Assistant Drama Director job at our local middle school. Mark Jr. WILL be home for Christmas after graduating his tech school in Mississippi on December 18th (and may be home on and off for several weeks). And there may be a dual celebration when he is home -- biting my tongue on that one for now.
And then, today, after eight of the most grueling months (in a row) that I can remember. After quitting smoking despite all of the stress. After GETTING the younger kids and my husband back to school. After feeling as if I was choking for SO long... 1 p.m. EST rolled around. There was food. There were cosmos (and LOTS of beer for my husband... he's a little tipsy LOL). There was my family -- including a call from Jr. in Mississippi for his 20th birthday (WHERE the HELL did that lifetime go?!?!?). There was the Fox Sports football prognosticators saying (Coach Johnson): "I think the Eagles are going to win it all but not today."
And then my Beloved Birds ROARED into the Panther's Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, NC (where I involuntarily spent some extra time last month). In a year that has brought SO much change and confusion and questioning about whether doing the RIGHT thing was the right thing to do... I still believe in my Eagles. How can I NOT believe in my Eagles?! Broken ribs...? Either McNabb can play or Vick can take over in Week Three (Kevin Kolb...? Not so much! Can we have AJ Feeley back please?!). We liked what we saw -- our Birds literally forced the Panthers to forfeit the game in the 3rd quarter!! I absolutely LOVE that the four teams that matter -- Eagles, Cowboys, Skins and Giants -- are looking so good. And that goal line stand to end the Panthers...? PRICELESS!!!!!
Eagles 38
Panthers 10
Any questions how good I feel for the first time in forever????????
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